We are SWR
Through superior design procedures and high testing standards, S.W.R. has manufactured high-quality FM and TV antennas, accessories and parts to support the international broadcast industry for over 50 years. As we continue to develop new technology, our design and manufacturing procedures are upgraded and improved, resulting in the highest quality products for our customers.
The history of S.W.R., LLC began in 1963 when the company served the United States broadcast industry by supervising RF installations and performing field warranty work. As a result of insufficient reliable transmission lines and the growing UHF market, S.W.R. developed, tested and patented the Thermocoupled rigid coaxial line in 1972, which made similar products obsolete. It was the very first System With Reliability. Known today as the K-line™, this transmission line is also suitable for the FM radio transmission market. As a result of this reliable product and an experienced and eager staff, S.W.R. developed a team to continually surpass broadcast industry standards.
The Clarion™ Waveguide Antenna, S.W.R.’s first high-power antenna, and the PosiLock™ Waveguide were introduced in 1985 to serve UHF application requirements. In 1990, S.W.R. also provided its customers with a complete line of FM antennas and LPTV antennas for low- and medium-power television transmitters.
Today we are still making history. The S.W.R. Challenger Series antenna was developed to support television station requirements for Digital Television (DTV). Our quality patented design is providing a solution to station owners.

Electrical RF Design Engineer
I am Umesh Manedi, fully dedicated to serving as a Radio Frequency Engineer